You can keep your teeth healthy by maintaining an oral care routine like brushing twice daily and visiting your dentist frequently. If they break in an accident or due to decay, you can visit a dental clinic for teeth replacement and repair options.
Integrity Dental provides cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve the strength of the teeth, as well as the appearance – color, size and alignment. Crown treatment is one such treatment option available at our dental clinic and is used to:
Fix poorly shaped, broken or chipped teeth
Treat extremely weak or stained teeth
Provide support to root canal treated teeth
Make your teeth look healthier and more natural
What Are Dental Crowns?
Dental crowns are tooth-shaped covers for implants or damaged teeth. Also known as a ‘cap’; once in place, it functions just like a normal healthy tooth structure.
Why Is It Necessary to Restore Missing and Damaged Teeth?
Your oral health impacts your overall body. Untreated infections can contribute to heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure. Also, if you delay treating the decaying tooth, the dentist may advise tooth extraction. Missing teeth can lead to several complications such as:
When a tooth is missing for a long time, the jawbonebeneath it starts to dissolve. The process is irreversible and is known as resorption.
Gradually, the neighbouring teeth accommodate the available space and may become crooked in the process.
It becomes challenging to brush and floss and the gums weaken, making your other teeth more susceptible to decay.
In order to avoid such problems, you should get a crown treatment as soon as possible.
Which Type of Crown Is Best Suited for You?
Each type has unique properties. Choose the one which best suits your requirements. They are available in different materials:
Metals - Gold, silver and alloys (nickel, chromium and palladium)
Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM)
Porcelain-fused-to-zirconia (PFZ)
You can choose metal, alloys and PFM for your molars and pre-molars. They are stronger and will help you to chew efficiently. PFM, PFZ and ceramic crowns can be made to suit the colour of your teeth.
Crowns can last up to a minimum of 7 years but with good oral hygiene, they can last much longer.
How Are Dental Crowns Placed?
Before placing the crown, the dentist will file down the target tooth and treat it for possible infections. If you are receiving a crown after a root canal or endodontic treatment, the tooth will be already treated. In case the decay is too much, the dentist will have to build a foundation to support the cap.
How Long Is the Procedure?
You may need at least two visits to your dental clinic to complete the process. The dentist will first take an impression of the tooth above or below the treated tooth, to make sure the fitting is accurate and will fix it on your second visit. Once the crown is ready, it is adjusted to match the exact size and shape of your existing teeth. Till then, a temporary plastic crown is placed.
Follow Precautions
Make sure to be careful in the first 24 hours. Flossing and chewy food may potentially dislodge the temporary crown.
Once the new crown is cemented, clean it regularly with care. Protect the crown from unnecessary pressure and use. Visit your dentist periodically for professional cleaning. It is advised to use a protective night guard if you grind your teeth in your sleep.
We value our customers at Integrity Dental clinic. Please take a moment and read some of their testimonials. Contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more about our family dental services in Lethbridge.